True Sensual Connect

Have you ever had that moment when you meet someone and realize you and this person could have a great time together? It is not about what will happen 10 years from now but the fact that right now you have just clicked intensely with this person and for now you are both in a situation where you could run off into the night and have the best time of your lives.

That feeling is called energetic compatibility. It is what we would call ‘falling in love’ at first sight which is not about marriage or children but about finding someone you connect with so strongly that it feels magnetic to be together. It is falling in love even just for that moment.

This is the effect that a tantrica can have on you if you connect during a sensual session. It might seem scary at first and you might feel that it is a bit too much too soon but the reality is that there is nothing wrong with this feeling and it just means you, for this moment, are willing to trust this person enough to have them help you have the best time of your life.

Whilst it’s normal to be cautious about this type of electric sensual connection, it is really just opening the door to emotions, to sensations we tend to hide because it makes us vulnerable. Vulnerability, however, is what makes the difference between a great time and a time that is so memorable just thinking back on it gives you a jolt of pleasure just by reliving the memory.

Learning to follow your instincts, to open up and to be more honest is probably the best thing you can learn from your tantric masseuse. It will mean the difference between sex that is superficially satiating to sex which is ecstatic, exciting and spiritually replenishing. Do not be afraid of your emotions, let them loose and see where they take you, you might be surprised to know that by doing this your connections deepen, your honesty prevails and you can have incredible experiences with no strings attached. 

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